Taking Your Child To The Dentist

Many children are often afraid of a visit to the dentist. This can be as a result of fear exuded by their parent prior to the visit or even influence from movies where characters are afraid of similar visits. Visiting a dentist is rarely painful. Most of the procedures are painless with just some discomfort experience. Where pain may be experienced, dentists now use numbing agents so the only problem you may have to deal with is the needle delivering the medication. Children need to be encouraged to have a positive attitude towards visiting the dentist. This is because how they become accustomed to this in childhood will set the tone for the future. 

It is recommended that the first visit to the dentist should start as early as when the first tooth of your bay appears. You should schedule your appointment for the time of day when you know your child is in best humor. Make sure the dentist you choose to visit has a good track record of dealing with pediatric patients. Make sure that you remain upbeat about this appointment so that your child does not pick up any negative vibes and begin to worry about it.

Where the child is old enough to understand, talk about the dentist in Chantilly VA and how important it is to care for their teeth with a regular check-up. Do not use the dentist as a threat or try to bribe your child into cooperating. This will reinforce the image of dentists being a character to be scared of. Use this visit to not only allow the dentist check your child’s oral health, but also learn about how you can train him or her up in good oral care habits. You can also discuss other issues such as pacifier use and how you can avoid tooth decay. 


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